Spring Primary February 18, 2025.  Spring Election  April 1, 2025.  Vote at the Gibraltar Town Center 7 am to 8 pm.:

Annual Town Meeting: 2020 Financial Report & Committee/Commission Reports

A reminder that the Annual Town Meeting is tomorrow (April 20, 2021) at 7 p.m. at the Gibraltar Fire Department (3496 Cty Rd F). 

Copies of the 2020 Annual Financial Report and 2020 Committee/Commission Reports are available below:

2020 Annual Financial Report

2020 Committees/Commissions Reports


For those who wish to attend the meeting remotely, a Zoom conference phone  line will be available.* However, please note that electors must be physically present to vote. Zoom login information is below:

Phone Number: 1-312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 828 2529 3174
Password: 641827

*Zoom conference call is limited to 100 participants.