Town of Gibraltar Police and Fire Commission Term Appointments: TOWN OF GIBRALTARPOLICE AND FIRE COMMISSIONTERM APPOINTMENTS The Town of Gibraltar is looking for three persons to serve on the Police and Fire Commission for three-year staggered terms. Term appointments will be effective February 5, 2025, and expire December 31, 2026, December 31, 2027, and December 31, 2028, respectively. Persons interested in serving on the Commission should be at least part time residents of the Town of Gibraltar. If you would be interested in serving on this Commission, please send a letter of interest to Town of Gibraltar, PO Box 850, Fish Creek, WI 54212 or to [email protected] by Monday, January 20, 2025.

WIS Hwy 42 Project Schedule Changes

Revised start dates announced for WIS Hwy 42 project construction.

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) notified the Town of Gibraltar of schedule changes to the WIS Hwy 42 project, originally scheduled to begin in March 2019 and be completed in September 2019. Click here to view the schedule changes and download the full press release.