Spring Primary February 18, 2025.  Spring Election  April 1, 2025.  Vote at the Gibraltar Town Center 7 am to 8 pm.:

Wis 42 Project Updates

The updates below are specific to the Town of Gibraltar. For updates on the complete Wis 42 Project (Gibraltar to Sister Bay), visit the Wisconsin Department of Transportation's 511 Wisconsin Construction Projects website.



March 9, 2020 - Stage 2 of the Wis 42 project begins today. Starting today thru-traffic will not be allowed along Wis 42 between Shore Rd and the YMCA. Detour signs will be placed along alternate routes to direct traffic to local businesses.

Thank you to all the businesses and residents who attended last Thursday's construction update meeting and offered feedback about the detour signs. Based on the feedback received, the Town voted at the meeting to add business specific signage at key locations along the detour. View the updated detour sign plan/map here.

The additional business-specific detour signs have been ordered and should be installed by early next week, if not sooner.

As a reminder, the section of Wis 42 between Shore Rd and the YMCA, is considered a "closed road" during this stage of the project. Only local traffic will be permitted to travel in the area between Shore Rd. east to the top of the hill (not including the Top of the Hill Shops). Please note that "local traffic" refers only to those traveling to a specific business or residing within the closed area. All other traffic, residents and visitors, must follow the detour route or be subject to ticketing. Thank you for your cooperation. 

February 26, 2020 - Stage 2 of the Wis 42 project is scheduled to begin Monday, March 9, 2020. This stage will include closure of Wis 42 from Shore Road to the YMCA pedestrian crossing in Fish Creek. The road will be detoured using Cty Rd E and Cty Rd A.

Residents and business owners are encouraged to attend the next construction update meeting on Thursday, March 5 at 4:00 PM at the Gibraltar Town Center.  Vinton Construction will be at the meeting to go over their construction schedule for Stage 2.

Information from the previous project update meeting about the curb/gutter/sidewalk work along Wis 42 can be accessed using the links below.

2/13/2020 Construction Update Meeting Minutes

Curb/Gutter/Sidewlak Construction Map


For the most up-to-date information about the Hwy 42 Resurfacing project, including the project construction overview map, interactive maps, and traffic impacts & detour webpage, visit the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s 511 Wisconsin Construction Projects website.

May 2019 -
View the PowerPoint presentation from the public construction update meeting held on May 6, 2019.

Wis 42 PowerPoint Presentation


In an effort to make the project as hassle-free as possible for residents and visitors alike, the Wis 42 Project is being divided into three construction stages.

Stage 1 is divided into three phases.

Stage 1: Phase A is scheduled for October 15 - 20.
Stage 1: Phase B is scheduled for October 21 - noon October 25
Stage 1: Phase C is scheduled for October 28 - Winter Shutdown 2019

During Stage 1, the detour is for southbound traffic only. However, from noon October 25 - October 27, WIS Hwy 42 will be open to bi-directional traffic for the Fish Creek Jack O' Lantern Days. The official detour route for southbound traffic during this time is Cty Hwy F in Fish Creek to Cty Hwy A to Cty Hwy E in Egg Harbor.

Stage 2 is scheduled to being in early March (as soon as the weather allows work to being) and end prior to Memorial Day 2020.

The final stage, Stage 3 is scheduled to begin Memorial Day and wrap up by the end of June 2020. Stages 2 and 3 will include a hard closure of the section of road that stretches from the top of the hill (just north of the intersection of WIS Hwy 42 and Cty Hwy F) until just past the YMCA.

Included in this timeline is sidewalk, curb and gutter replacement work. A map of that plan can be accessed here.