Spring Primary February 18, 2025.  Spring Election  April 1, 2025.  Vote at the Gibraltar Town Center 7 am to 8 pm.:

REMINDER: 2021 Budget Public Hearing & Special Meeting of the Electors Tonight, Monday November 30

A reminder that the public hearing for the proposed 2021 Budget for the Town of Gibraltar will take place this evening, November 30, at 6 p.m. at the Town Center (4097 Main Street). A special town meeting of the electors to approve the 2020 total town tax levy to be collected in 2021 pursuant to s. 60.10(1)(a) of Wis. Statutes will immediately follow the public hearing. Public inspection of a breakdown of the budget summary can be made here or at the Town office.

2021 Public Hearing and Special Meeting of the Electors

*     The 2021 Budget only will be discussed and questions answered.

*     Special assessments (sidewalk and streetlighting) are not part of the budget.



Meeting ID:       847 0340 2900

Passcode:           768825

Dial 1 312 626 6799


**PLEASE NOTE: Electors must sign in and cast their vote in person. Due to COVID-19, electors may choose to attend the hearing and meeting via Zoom, and then come inside the Town Center to sign in and vote only. Sign in and voting will be located in the hallway. Samples of the resolutions to be voted on can be read here.

Budget Summary

The Gibraltar 2021 Budget proposes $3,698,730 in expenditures, up 8.83 percent from last year.
Additional budget increases for 2021 are listed below:

Assessment Revaluation – $23,000

Partial contract for assessment revaluation.

Public Works Equipment – $80,000 (grasshopper, salt spreader, leaf sucker, and chipper)

Funds allocated for replacing outdated equipment and adding implements for equipment the Town already owns.

Public Works New Vehicle – $20,000 to CIP

The Public Works/Maintenance department will be in need of a new vehicle soon. These are funds set aside for a planned future vehicle purchase.

Law Enforcement New Vehicle – $25,000 to CIP

The Town police squad will need to be replaced soon. These are funds set aside for a planned future vehicle purchase.

Fire Department

New equipment to replace outdated equipment

Road Improvements – Increased $25,000

In an effort to maintain our roads additional types of treatments are being used to lengthen the life of our roads such as chip sealing used on Maple Grove Road and South Highland Road in the last year.

Administrator – $71,000

Partial funds allocated for wages should the Town Board decide to add the position of Town Administrator.

Noble House Foundation Repair – $22,000

After being put off for several years, repair work to the Noble House’s foundation is needed to prevent further damage to the structure. This work required the approval of the Wisconsin Historical Association, and was received.

Town Hall Painting – $15,000

Painting the exterior of the Town Hall was put off in 2020. It is being added back into the budget for 2021.



Health & Human Services

Cemetery prep & maintenance costs $1,000

Conservation & Development

Special Consultants category was reduced by $25,000 and 34% of the estimated Room Tax revenues gave a net reduction in FCCA funds of $14,960.  *Note 34% of Room Tax collected will be directed to FCCA based on taxes received not budgeted.