Town of Gibraltar Police and Fire Commission Term Appointments: TOWN OF GIBRALTARPOLICE AND FIRE COMMISSIONTERM APPOINTMENTS The Town of Gibraltar is looking for three persons to serve on the Police and Fire Commission for three-year staggered terms. Term appointments will be effective February 5, 2025, and expire December 31, 2026, December 31, 2027, and December 31, 2028, respectively. Persons interested in serving on the Commission should be at least part time residents of the Town of Gibraltar. If you would be interested in serving on this Commission, please send a letter of interest to Town of Gibraltar, PO Box 850, Fish Creek, WI 54212 or to [email protected] by Monday, January 20, 2025.

Community Holiday News

Thanksgiving meals will be available to Door County residents this Sunday, November 22, as Door County Medical Center hosts “Thanksgiving Dinner To Go.” If you or someone you know is in need, you can pick up all of the food and supplies needed to make Thanksgiving dinner from noon to 2 p.m. at the Door County Medical Center Education Building. Read the flyer for more details. 

The Door County Toys for Kids Drive is also taking place. Donation boxes can be found at any of the participating organizations listed below: