Spring Primary February 18, 2025.  Spring Election  April 1, 2025.  Vote at the Gibraltar Town Center 7 am to 8 pm.:

Request Your Absentee Ballots

A reminder that electors may still request an absentee ballot to vote in the April 7 election. Visit myvote.wi.gov to request an absentee ballot. If you have questions or need further assistance please contact the Town office.

Due to concerns related to the COVID-19, voters in Door County are strongly urged to vote absentee for the April 7 Spring Election and Presidential Preference Primary. Polls will be open in Door County for those who need them on Election Day. However, voters are encouraged to vote absentee by requesting an absentee ballot as soon as possible.

Absentee ballots can be mailed to electors through April 2, and must be received by 8 p.m. on election day, April 7