Spring Primary February 18, 2025.  Spring Election  April 1, 2025.  Vote at the Gibraltar Town Center 7 am to 8 pm.:

Special Town Meeting of the Electors Results:

1. To approve a Resolution Authorizing the Town Board to Issue General Obligation Bonds for the purpose of refunding all or a portion of any of the obligations issued by the Town. In Favor – 216, Opposed – 111. Motion Passed.

2. To approve the purchase of the Redmann Property for public purposes. Approximately 195 acres consisting of six parcels: 0140233312733Q, 0140233312732Q, 014232312711U1, 0140232312744Q, 0140232312741E, 0140232312742G. Infavor – 51. Opposed – 180. Motion Failed.