As of January 1st, single-stream recycling is available to Gibraltar residents. Now all recyclables (paper/cardboard and containers) can be placed in the same container.

For the convenience of Gibraltar residents and businesses, Going Garbage offers two recycling drop-off sites.
Gibraltar Drop-Off Site
3478 Cty Rd F
Fish Creek, WI 54212
Gibraltar Drop Off Hours:
(May through October) 1st and 3rd Saturday 8 am to 12 pm
(November through April) 1st Saturday 9 am to 12 pm
What Can Be Recycled?
Single-stream recycling is now available. The following items may be placed in the same container:
- newspaper
- magazines
- junk mail
- office paper
- container board
- corrugated cardboard
- catalogs
- phone books, etc.
*All paper and cardboard products must be flattened, dry, and free of food debris and restroom waste.
- Unflattened, unbroken food and beverage containers
- glass
- aluminum
- tin
- plastics #1 and #2
* Containers may not exceed one gallon in size, and plastic containers must have a mouth smaller in diameter than the base. All items must be rinsed of food or liquids, and all caps and lids must be removed. Plastic bags used to transport recyclables, caps, and lids are considered regular garbage and are not recyclable.
Going Garbage's full 2020 holiday schedule for residential pick up can be accessed here.
Additional Recycling Resources
Proper Handling of Used Batteries
Batteries used in many household and office products, as well as motor vehicle batteries, contain a variety of heavy metals and other materials that can be harmful to human health and the environment if not handled properly. Many of these materials can be recovered and reused by specialized recyclers.
How to Recycle Electronics
Many electronics can no longer be put in the trash in Wisconsin and must be reused, recycled or managed as hazardous waste. The information below will help you prepare your electronics for reuse or recycling, find an electronics collection site or contact a recycler for larger volumes of e-waste.
For businesses, schools, institutions, nonprofits and governments, especially if you have a large number of items to recycle, see the DNR publication Managing Used Electronics [PDF] for more information on your options.
How to Recycle Light Bulbs
Many types of light bulbs contain metals such as mercury. Because these bulbs contain metals and toxic chemicals, they should be properly disposed of to avoid contaminating the environment or harming human health.
Examples of light bulbs that contain mercury include:
- tube- and compact-style fluorescent bulbs, including compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs);
- mercury vapor bulbs – i.e., high-intensity lamps with blue-white, originally used as farmyard lights;
- metal halide bulbs – i.e., newer, more efficient high-intensity lights; and
- high and low-pressure sodium vapor bulbs – i.e., yellow lights used for outdoor security lighting.
Learn how to properly dispose of your old lightbulbs here.
Reducing, Reusing and Recycling Plastic Bags and Plastic Wrap
There are easy and cost-effective ways to reduce waste and recapture the benefits of plastic bags and wrap after their initial use. Industrial shrink wrap used in the packaging can be recycled and is in high demand by manufacturers as a raw material. Individuals, schools, non-profits, workplaces and communities can collect plastic bags and wrap for recycling or promote local recycling programs. One opportunity for involvement is through WRAP, the Wrap Recycling Action Project.