Ephraim-Gibraltar Airport
9667 Maple Grove Road P.O. Box 850
Fish Creek WI 54212
Phone: (920) 854-9711

The Airport Commission oversees the operation and maintenance of the Ephraim-Gibraltar Airport, which serves the Northern Door area. Meetings are the third Thursday of the month at 9 a.m. at the Gibraltar Town Center. Members serve a three-year term that ends in September.
Meeting agendas and minutes can be accessed here.
Airport Commission Members
Martin Franke
1148 Mary Hill Circle, Hartland, WI 53029
Home: (262) 369-9800
Office: (262) 783-8800
Cell: (414) 416-3385
[email protected]
Commission Member
Jon Neville
PO Box 42
Fish Creek WI 54212
Phone: (920) 421-4522
Ephraim Representative
Tim Halbrook
Commission Member
Jeff Drajesk
Phone: (262) 758-9832
Commission Member
Myrvin Somerhalder
9663 County A
Fish Creek WI 54212
Phone: (920) 868-5050
Ephraim Representative
Gary Glojek
Email: [email protected]