Election Dates: 2025
- Spring Primary: February 18, 2025
- Spring Election: April 1, 2025
Polls are open 7:00am - 8:00pm
Verify Your Voter Registration
Verify your voter registration in three easy steps:
You can check your voter registration status on the state website MyVote.wi.gov.
- Toward the top of the web page, you can select “My Voter Info” to search for your voter registration. The website will prompt the voter to enter name and date of birth.
- Once your registration information appears on the screen, you should look for a status of “You are Registered to Vote!” and should verify that the current address listed is accurate.
- If you see that you are not registered and believe you are, try typing in "01-01-1900" as the birth date. (When the state changed systems several years ago, the state used this date for birth date if they did not have one on record.) If this does not work, you have not moved and have voted in the past 4 years, you should contact your city, village or town clerk to clarify your registration status.
You will need to update your registration if you have moved (even if to a different address within the same municipality or a different unit within the same apartment building or condominium development.) You can register online if your address is up-to-date with the Wisconsin DMV, or you can register by mail or in-person at the Gibraltar Town Offices.
**Please note the registration deadlines above.**
Wisconsin voters need to show a valid photo ID when they vote. For a list of acceptable photo ideas click here. When you present your ID to election officials, they will look at the name, expiration date, and ID type; they do not look at the address on the ID.
To find answers to frequently asked questions about Voter ID, visit https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/PhotoIDRequired.
If you are planning to vote absentee (also known as vote-by-mail), request your ballot as soon as possible. It's easy to do! Request a ballot by visiting myvote.wi.gov, by sending an email to the Town Clerk's office, or sending a letter to the Town Clerk's office at P.O. Box 850 Fish Creek, WI 54212. If it is your first time voting absentee by mail, you will need to provide a copy of the photo ID you use for voting when you request an absentee ballot.
General Voting Information for Gibraltar Township
All elections in the Town of Gibraltar are held at the Gibraltar Town Center, 4097 Main Street, in the main meeting room. The Spring Election is held annually on the first Tuesday in April, with a primary (if necessary) on the third Tuesday in February. Fall Elections are held on even-numbered years on the first Tuesday in November, with a primary on the second Tuesday in August.
Polling Location:
Fish Creek Town Center
4097 Main Street
Fish Creek, WI 54212
Photo ID is Required. The easiest form of photo ID is a Wisconsin Driver’s License or Wisconsin State Issued ID card. There are a number of acceptable photo IDs if you don’t have a Wisconsin Driver’s License. For a full list of acceptable forms of photo identification visit My Vote Wisconsin.
You need to register to vote if you are a first-time voter, new to Gibraltar, or have an address or name change. If any of these circumstances pertain to you, you will need to register to vote. You will need to fill out the Wisconsin Voter Registration Application, as well as provide an approved form of photo ID and proof of residence. Valid forms of proof of residence include:
- A current and valid State of Wisconsin Driver License or State ID card.
- Any other official identification card or license issued by a Wisconsin governmental body or unit.
- Any identification card issued by an employer in the normal course of business and bearing a photo of the card holder, but not including a business card.
- A real estate tax bill or receipt for the current year or the year preceding the date of the election.
- A university, college, or technical college identification card (must include photo) ONLY if the voter provides a fee receipt dated within the last 9 months or the institution provides a certified housing list, that indicates citizenship, to the municipal clerk.
- A gas, electric, or telephone service statement (utility bill) for the period commencing no earlier than 90 days before Election Day.
- Bank statement.
- Paycheck or paystub.
- A check or other document issued by a unit of government.
- A letter on public or private social service agency letterhead identifying a homeless voter and describing the individual’s residence for voting purposes.
- Residential lease that is effective on date of registration. (Not valid if registering by mail.)
- An intake document from a residential care facility such as a nursing home or assisted living facility.
All Proof of Residence documents must include the voter’s name and current residential address.
Please note that this is not a comprehensive list, but categories of the most common types used by voters.
Election Forms
The State of Wisconsin Elections Commission has all the forms available for download at their web site. Below are links to some of the most requested forms.
- Wisconsin Elections Commission http://elections.wi.gov/
- WEC All Forms Page: http://elections.wi.gov/forms
EL-121 Absentee Ballot Request
EL-131 Voter Registration Application
Have More Questions?
Have more questions or need additional assistance? Give the Town office at 920-868-1714 or send an email to [email protected].